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IMG is the most common filename for photos that come out of cameras from phone cameras to DSLR. Now Google is planning to differentiate files created by Pixel’s wonderful cameras. Starting from Google camera version 7.5, image files’ names will start with PXL instead of IMG but it’s only working for devices running Android 11 beta.
As a new naming convention, Night Shots photos will append ‘NIGHT’ after the date and number string while Portraits will append ‘PORTRAIT’ as follows.
- PXL_20200820_141005222.jpg
- PXL_20200820_143015285.NIGHT.jpg
- PXL_20200820_143019420.PORTRAIT-01.COVER.jpg
- PXL_20200820_142352990.mp4
Motion Photos will also use MP instead of MVIMG and Video will replace VID with PXL too.
As mentioned above, Google Camera 7.5 is only available for Android 11. Though you can sideload the APK to your Android 10 or older, this naming convention will not work.